Can A Tesla Use Gas?

Can A Tesla Use Gas?

A common question that people ask me when i’m out driving my 2015 Tesla Model S 70D is whether or not I need gas.

The short answer – NOPE. But there is a longer answer if you’re curious…

It’s still a surprise to people when they find out that the Tesla’s are 100% electric and don’t require any gas in order to run.

Tesla Motors was the first production car company that started as a 100% electric only car company. The good news is that some other companies are starting to pop up with a similar mission statement.

Tesla started back in 2003, and the main goal of the team of engineers was to show the world that electric cars aren’t just for hobbyists. They also didn’t need to look silly. They wanted to make sure that people knew that electric cars can be fun to drive, can drive long distances, can be easily charged and can become cheaper than owning a gas car.

The first 100% electric car that was released by Tesla was the Roadster, in 2008. I still remember having that car (in red) on my vision board when I was in college.

I actually printed this exact picture out and had it on my vision board during and after college.

So yes, Tesla’s are 100% electric powered and don’t require any gas to move. It’s super cool not having to stop at gas stations anymore! Down below i’ll include a video that goes more in-depth with how the cars work without gas if you are interested.

The electrical revolution is here and it’s really cool to be able to interact with people who have questions all about the Tesla.

If you have any types of question-related to Tesla cars please feel free to ask an owner. Most of the Tesla owners I have met are really nice people and will spare a moment to chat or answer questions.

The other day I actually was stopped going into a grocery store because a girl who was maybe 10 years old asked how to get into the car because the door handles aren’t sticking out.

When I handed her the key fob and had her walk up to it and watched her eyes light up as the door handles popped out for her, it was awesome. Just the pure excitement of seeing technology work.

So, you might be embarrassed to ask questions about the Tesla’s because we often get embarrassed when we don’t know something (back when I was wish I asked more questions). Please ask us questions though. We’re more than happy to help answer them!

Here’s a cool video to check out…

How does an Electric Car work ? | Tesla Model S

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